A Father's Love Wrapped in a Taco

When you book me to photograph your wedding, I am experience it first hand just like any of your guests. I get to see moments unfold that don’t ask for attention but bring so much meaning to the day. Today, I’m sharing a little snippet of a wedding involving a devoted father, a culinary artist, and a batch of tantalizing tacos that wove a beautiful thread through an unforgettable wedding day.


As the wedding preparations were in full swing, lunch was being prepared. In the cozy kitchen of an intimate venue in the heart of Lakeland, aromas of seasoned meat, fresh vegetables, and sizzling tortillas wafted through the air. When the moment arrived, and the groom and his groomsmen gathered around the table, they were met not only with a feast for their taste buds but also with a feast for their souls. Each bite served as a reminder of the strong bond they shared, and the love that had nurtured their spirits throughout the years.


Amidst the backdrop of a wedding celebration, it was a simple yet profound act of love that touched everyone's hearts. The meal, the gathering was more than just lunch. It was about a father pouring his love and pride into his son's heart to be cherished forever. The groomsmen, too, felt the warmth of a father's love as they shared in the meal.


In life's journey, it is these tender and unexpected moments that remind us of the true essence of love — the selflessness, the connection, and the willingness to give without expecting anything in return. May we all be inspired by this story to savor the love in the simplest gestures and to create beautiful memories with our loved ones.
That is what weddings are all about.